About us
REDUCED is producing sustainable natural flavour solutions by upcycling side streams from the food and agricultural industry.
Always with a focus on taste, quality and sustainability.

We believe that taste is the key to utilize sidestreams from the food and agricultural industry.
Fermentation is, for us, a tool to create intense flavours.
We have reinvented savoury flavours by remodelling traditional fermentation processes. The outcome is natural and unique flavour solutions that do not compromise taste and flavour intensity.

We use upcycled produce as the main component of our products.
The upcycled produce are sourced from different food producers and agriculture companies.
Currently, we utilize upcycled produce such as apple cores, spent laying hence, shore crabs, bones, bran, broken rice & lentils and second-grade vegetables.

We have created a unique production facility in Copenhagen.
The facility is certified for organic production.
Here, we have successfully scaled our solution into commercial products.
The production and technology stand out as we can process various side streams into different commercialized flavour solutions.

Industry solutions.
We create industry solutions that make savoury food products taste better.
It is that simple.
The solutions stand out by being made from sides streams, natural, clean label, and having a unique flavour profile.
The solutions come in liquid and powdered forms.
Read more about industry solutions
Food service solutions.
We offer food service solutions in three product categories:
- Stocks
- Soups
- Sauces
The products stand out because they are:
- Made from food waste
- Natural & clean label
- Organic